In 2019 and 2020, the government plans to label all drugs. The state will be able to track every Custom Pharmaceutical Boxes from production in the factory to sales to the customer in the pharmacy.
On each box of drugs, the manufacturer prints a QR code and enters it into a single information system (IP). The state sees what kind of medicine the company released, when and how much.
The government will see how many drugs are released at the plant, how many are delivered to warehouses and to each pharmacy. Sell a fake drug does not work.
In January 2019, Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 62 “On an experiment on the labeling of drugs ...”. The pilot project is carried out in six regions: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Veliky, and Nizhny Novgorod. The system is voluntarily tested by 23 manufacturers, 4 distributors, nearly 30 hospitals and 250 pharmacies. Among them are 36.6, Neo-Farm, AstraZeneca, Biocad and Gideon Richter.
Why is it for the state
Custom Pharmaceutical Packaging Boxes will see where and how much their products are sold. Now they are buying this information from distributors but will receive it for free after entering the labeling of drugs in 2018. Sales data will help you plan production, save on advertising and the services of medical representatives.
Why do pharmacies need it
Fake drugs or those with an almost expired shelf life will stop coming to pharmacies. Unscrupulous competitors who sell drugs without a prescription or illegally resell drugs written off in state institutions will disappear from the market.
Buyers will be sure that the pill from the head is not just ordinary chalk. Through a mobile application, the client checks the packaging and immediately complains to the pharmacy if the tablets are fake or the expiration date is expired.
For more information Click the link Custom Pharmaceutical Boxes.